Greetings to Ukraine. India and Germany sign agreement.

Q.  President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee extended his greetings to which nation on the eve of their Independence Day (August 24, 2016)
- Published on 24 Aug 16

a. Ukraine
b. Uzbekistan
c. Bahrain
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Ukraine
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of Ukraine on the eve of their Independence Day (August 24, 2016).
  • Petro Poroshenko is currently the President of Ukraine.
  • India and Germany are deepening their collaboration in the area of skill development. An implementation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and (German International Cooperation (GIZ), to initiate a new project focused on adapting elements of the German dual system in select industrial clusters in India.
  • The project will be implemented in three selected clusters, which include the Automobile cluster in Maharashtra and Electronics cluster in Bangalore.
  • German technical assistance will be used to enhance industry institute partnerships between Indian and German organisations, build capacity of local training institutions and foster industry linkages which will help adapt elements of the German dual system, into the Indian context.
  • This new project will also play an important role in supporting MSDE’s existing programmes to scale up apprenticeship training.
  • The Ministry of Civil Aviation, State Government of Maharashtra and Airports Authority of India today signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), thereby kicking off the collaborative process of the three agencies coming together for successful launch of the Regional Connectivity Scheme.
  • With this development, the State Government of Maharashtra has formally agreed to provide the concessions required from the State Governments in the Regional Connectivity Scheme, thereby becoming the first state in the country to do so.
  • India’s premier container port, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust in Navi Mumbai, has signed an agreement with State Bank of India and Development Bank of Singapore for External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) to the tune of USD 400 Million at a “very competitive” interest rate to improve the infrastructure required for “doubling” its existing capacity to 9.85 Million TEUs annually.
  • JNPT has US Dollar denominated foreign currency earnings which can be leveraged for a low cost foreign currency borrowing.
  • The ECB of USD 400 Million (USD300 Million from the SBI & USD100 Million from DBS) will be primarily utilised by JNPT for expanding the network of roads that connect to its port projects.
  • The existing road network for evacuation of traffic is currently operated at a capacity utilisation of 100%, and the expansion is needed for quicker and more efficient evacuation of traffic.

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