GSI has the sole authority over meteorite research in India

Q.  Which is the only nodal agency authorized to possess and carry out research on meteorites in the country?
- Published on 10 Feb 16

a. GSI
d. Indian Institute of Astrophysics

  • Geological Survey of India (GSI) is the only nodal agency authorized to possess and carry out research on meteorites in India.
  • Meteorites can possess important information regarding geology of planets as well as the earth and hence GSI is considered prominent agency to handle meteorite.
  • The GSI is the custodian of all meteorite falls or finds in India and all such falls or finds have to be registered in the National Meteorite Repository of India (NMRI) in GSI, Kolkata. instantly after reportage.
  • The circular also states that meteorites may be categorised as “contraband items”, entailing a restriction on their free movement both within the country and across the borders. NMRI has over 700 meteorites on display collected from across the country.

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