Hand held Terminals for TTEs in Indian railways launched.

Q.  What are the uses of Hand held Terminals for TTEs in the Indian railways?

1) Greater transparency in the allotment of seats
2) Fast processing of tickets
3) Tickets can be booked downstream against vacant seats

- Published on 10 Feb 16

a. 1, 3
b. 2, 3
c. 1, 2
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above
  • With the help of Hand held Terminals for TTEs, after all allotments, remaining vacant berths will be sent back to HHT Application Servers and can be viewed on PRS terminal as well as web site (indianrail.gov.in) and information of all NT passengers will be sent to coaching refund system to get speedier refund and eliminate the preparation of manual Exception Data Reports (EDR).
  • Occupancy chart can be viewed on HHT device to dispense with the manual preparation of food-chart/occupancy chart
The biggest spinoffs of the Project are:-
  • Revenue Yield Maximization, by making onboard accommodation availability visible to downstream Stations so that they can do current bookings against these vacant seats, realizing additional revenue against the same as presently these seats usually go vacant up to the terminal stations due to non-availability of this information with the prospective Passengers.
  • The Application ensures greater transparency in the allotment of Accommodation onboard.
  • It will ensure better productivity norms amongst TTE’s as the process of ticket checking will get simplified considerably.

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