Harisal village: Microsoft's first ideal digital village in India

Q.  Which village was adopted by Microsoft to be developed as India's first digital village?
- Published on 18 Apr 17

a. Harisal
b. Melghat
c. Dhule
d. Bid

ANSWER: Harisal
Harisal village: MicrosoftHarisal village was adopted by Microsoft to be developed as India’s first ideal digital village.

Underpinned by public health initiatives of the state government, the village is now in the reckoning for the Prime Minister’s Award for excellence in Public Administration.

It may provide a replicable public-service delivery model for the whole state.

Two key initiatives began for the first ideal digital village turning the wheel,

Creating an approach of just increasing access to fair-price shops was not going to solve the problem.

In villages like Harisal, this never helped curb malnutrition.

Second, the government sought a comprehensive view of the population in the region to find a solution to the seemingly endemic health problem.

Villages like Harisal score significantly low in all the Human Development Index parameters, such as education, employment, and income levels.

The government’s next big initiative was, therefore, built around the granularity of data.

Both have benefited Harisal

Harisal: Know More
  • Taluka Name : Dharni
  • District : Amravati
  • State: Maharashtra
  • Region: Vidarbha
  • Division: Amravati
  • Language: English and Hindi, Marathi,
  • Elevation / Altitude: 304 meters. Above Seal level
  • Assembly constituency: Melghat assembly constituency
  • Assembly MLA: Bhilawekar Prabhdas Babulal(2017)
  • Lok Sabha constituency: Amravati parliamentary constituency
  • Parliament MP: Adsul Anandrao Vithoba(2017)

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