Haryana Government to establish state of the art cyber forensic lab in Gurgaon

Q.  Haryana Government has decided to establish hi-tech cyber forensic lab in which area/district?
- Published on 22 Jul 16

a. Gurgaon
b. Mewat
c. Jind
d. Kamal

ANSWER: Gurgaon
Haryana Government has taken the decision to establish a hi-tech cyber forensic lab equipped with high end tools in the premises of Haryana Police, Gurgaon.
  • It has also taken the decision to establish a hi-tech training facility in these premises for advanced level training of police officers from state police forces.
  • The government wants to monitor social media through the lab.
  • MoU in this regard would soon be signed between National Technical Research Organisation, New Delhi and Haryana Police.

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