Himalayan Griffon is Vulture

Q.  Himalayan Griffon is
- Published on 15 Feb 16

a. Vulture
b. Eagle
c. Rabbit / Hare
d. Fox

ANSWER: Vulture
  • Rare Himalayan griffon is also known as Himalayan vulture.
  • According to the GBCN, the Himalayan griffon was previously believed to belong to the upper Himalayas and was presumed to stray till the Gangetic plains at the most.
  • In recent years there were sightings in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, etc.
  • Such long-distance straying from home territory also points towards a lack of navigational experience in immature birds. All individuals of the species previously reported as sighted from south India, including the one spotted in Goa, are the immature ones.
  • Himalayan griffons do not breed in the first three years, and hence juvenile birds of the species do not remain in breeding grounds to avoid competition.

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