How is naval brass formed?

Q.  In Muntz metal, if 1% of tin is added it forms _____
- Published on 11 Sep 15

a. admiralty brass
b. naval brass
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

ANSWER: naval brass


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 21 Nov 15
    - (α – β) brass contains 32 to 40% zinc. These brasses are hot worked at high temperature and are hard and strong as compared with α – brass.

    - Different types of (α – β) brass are:

    1) Naval brass: 1% tin is added in Muntz metal.

    2) Muntz metal: It is known as 60:40 brass and which means it contains 60% cu and 40% Zn.

    3) Brazing brass: This type of brass contains 50% Cu and 50% Zn.

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