Human eggs can now be regenerated!

Q.  Scientists have discovered a way to regenerate what using mother’s genetic material?
- Published on 14 Nov 16

a. Skin
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Human Eggs

ANSWER: Human Eggs
Human eggs can now be regenerated!Scientists have discovered a way to regenerate human eggs using the mother’s genetic material that normally goes waste
  • This breakthrough has helped women of advanced maternal age struggling with infertility
  • The waste DNA is from small cells called polar bodies that form off eggs and contain the same genetic material found in the egg nucleus of the woman
  • Till now, polar bodies have never been seen as useful for generation of human eggs for fertility treatments
  • Scientists successfully transplanted a polar body from the woman’s developing oocyte which is the cellular beginning of the embryo into the cytoplasm of the donor oocyte stripped off its nucleus
  • By rescuing the polar bodies that would otherwise bud off the developing oocyte, researchers were able to form additional oocytes genetically related to the mother via nuclear transfer
  • When fertilised with the sperm, these oocytes grow into viable embryos
  • None of the embryos were implanted to carry out actual pregnancy
  • Normally, polar bodies disintegrate and disappear through egg development
  • The aim is to recycle them by doubling the number of patient eggs available for in-vitro fertilisation


  • entrance   -Posted on 15 Nov 16
    Does this world really need something like that?

    By 2050 we won't have enough food worldwide because of overpopulation. Those scientists make things even worse.

    Overpopulation causes so many problems, not only the lack of food, but also water and air pollution, global warming and climate change, mass extinction of animal species, deforestation, mass migration, increased emergence of new epidemics and pandemics, elevated crime rate, and so on.

    We should try to to the exact opposite of what those scientists do: we should try to reduce the world population. Some countries in Africa and Asia have already recognized this problem, and they already try to solve it by laws, mass abortions and financial incentives. I am ready to help.

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