In-plane eccentric load - Replaced by parallel force

Q.  If welds are designed with in-plane eccentric load, then eccentric load can be replaced by _______.
- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. parallel force
b. twisting moment
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

ANSWER: both a. and b.


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 06 Nov 15
    - The welded structures are subjected to eccentric loads, torsional or bending moments.

    - Welds should always be designed in such a way that the line force passes through the centroid of welded group.

    - The eccentric load can be replaced by both parallel or twisting moment.

    - Parallel force: Parallel force which is passed through centre of gravity of welded group results in direct shear stress or primary shear stress.

    - Twisting moment: Twisting moment through C.G. results in secondary or torsional shear stress.

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