India 9th in shipping operations among emerging economies: UNCTAD

Q.  What is India’s target for port capacity in the year 2020 as per the Maritime Agenda?
- Published on 29 Feb 16

a. 3030 MT
b. 3130 MT
c. 3131 MT
d. None of the above

Close to 95% of India’s trade (by value) and 68% in terms of value is by sea. UNCTAD has estimated that India with 11.7 million 20 foot equivalent units of container and a world share of 1.7% ranked 9th in 2015 in containership operations among developing nations. Cargo traffic of Indian ports rose by 8.2% to 1052.21 MT in 2014-2015. India’s Maritime Agenda envisages 3130 MT of port capacity by 2020.

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