India has retained ranking as 10th highest recipient of FDI in 2015

Q.  India has retained its ranking as the 10th highest recipient of FDI in 2015, according to which UNCTAD report?
- Published on 22 Jun 16

a. World Investment Report 2016
b. World Investment Report 2015
c. World Investing Report 2016
d. World Investing Report 2015

ANSWER: World Investment Report 2016
India has retained the ranking as the tenth highest recipient of FDI in 2015 receiving USD 44 billion in investment that year compared to US $35 billion in 2014, as per the UN
  • World Investment Report 2016 released by UNCTAD found India also jumped a place in terms of attractiveness as a business destination in 2015 to sixth place with 14 percent of respondents naming it as destination of their choice

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