Irrotational flow diagram - Fluid Mechanics

Q.  Which type of fluid flow is shown in below diagram?
- Published on 04 Aug 15

a. Circular flow
b. Rotational flow
c. Irrotational flow
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Irrotational flow


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 25 Sep 15
    Fluid flow can be categorized in various types as follows;
    1. Rotational and irrotational flow
    2. Uniform and nonuniform flow
    3. Laminar and turbulent flow
    4. Steady and unsteady flow
    5. Compressible and incompressible flow
    6. One, two and three-dimensional flow

    Among the above types of fluid flow, Rotational and irrotational flow can be categorized according to the rotation of fluid particle about its own axis. When the fluid particles while flowing along stream lines in a flow, rotate about their own axis, then the flow is called as rotational flow. And when the fluid particles do not rotate about their own axis, then the flow is called as irrotational flow. In the diagram given above, it is clear that the fluid particles flowing along stream lines do not rotate about their own axis, thus it is an irrotational fluid flow.

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