JDU MP Sharad Yadav expelled from RS

Q.  Which rebel JDU leaders were disqualified from the RS on Dec 4, 2017?
- Published on 05 Dec 17

a. Sharad Yadav and Anwar Ali
b. Sharad Yadav and Ali Anwar
c. Sharad Yadav and Tariq Anwar
d. Sharad Yadav and Anwar Khan

ANSWER: Sharad Yadav and Ali Anwar
JDU MP Sharad Yadav expelled from RSRebel JDU MPs Sharad Yadav and Ali Anwar were disqualified from the Rajya Sabha on Dec 4 night.

Mr. Naidu, Chairman of the RS, agreed to the JDU's contention that the two senior leaders had voluntarily given up their membership by defying their party's directives and attending events of Opposition parties.

The JD(U) had sought their disqualification on the grounds that they had attended a rally of opposition parties in Patna in violation of its direction.

Mr. Yadav had joined hands with the opposition after JD(U) president and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kuamar dumped the Grand Alliance in Bihar and tied up with the BJP.

Mr. Yadav was elected to the House last year and his term was scheduled to end in 2022. Mr. Anwar's term was to expire early next year.

Sharad Yadav: Know More
  • Born: 1 July 1947
  • Hoshangabad, Central Provinces and Berar, British India
  • Alma mater: Jabalpur Engineering College
  • Occupation : Politician
  • Website: www.sharadyadavjdu.in
  • Sharad Yadav has been elected to Lok Sabha seven times and to Rajya Sabha

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