JMS is mainly used to send & receive message from one application to another - EJB

Q.  JMS is mainly used to send and receive message from one application to another.
- Published on 22 Jul 15

a. True
b. False



  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 14 Dec 15
    - The above statement is true.

    - Messaging is a technique to communicate applications or software components.

    - JMS is mainly used to send and receive message from one application to another.

    - Designed by Sun and several partner companies, the JMS API defines a common set of interfaces and associated semantics that allow programs written in the Java programming language to communicate with other messaging implementations.

    - The JMS API minimizes the set of concepts a programmer must learn in order to use messaging products but provides enough features to support sophisticated messaging applications.

    - It also strives to maximize the portability of JMS applications across JMS providers in the same messaging domain.

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