Jupiter’s Great Red Spot the mysterious heat source behind the upper atmospheric temperatures: NASA

Q.  Jupiter’s GRS with reddish hues could be the heat source for the giant planet, according to NASA research. What does GRS stand for?
- Published on 29 Jul 16

a. Grand Red Spot
b. Great Red Spot
c. Green Red Spot
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Great Red Spot
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot with its swirl of reddish hues could be the mysterious heat source behind the upper atmospheric temperature according to new NASA funded research.
  • GRS was discovered in the 17th century.
  • It is 2-3 times as wide as earth and seen as a hurricane with winds peaking at 400 miles/hour.
  • Sunlight heats the earth atmosphere at altitudes well above the surface; scientists were unsure regarding the temperature in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere with the giant planet being located 5 times the distance from the Sun.
  • Researchers from NASA analysed data from the SpeX spectrometer at NASA Infrared Telescope Facility in Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
  • Through the observation of the non visible infrared light miles above the gas giant, scientists have found temperature to be higher in certain latitudes and longitudes in the southern hemisphere where the spot of Jupiter is located.
  • The study found that a storm in the Great Red Spot produced 2 kinds of turbulent energy waves colliding and heating the upper atmosphere.
  • Heating in the upper atmosphere 500 miles above the Great Red Spot is caused by a combination of waves crashing like ocean waves on a beach.

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