Logical reasoning - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 21565

Q.  If Reena says, “Anjali's father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Ramanand”, then how is Piyu, who is the sister of Anjali, related to Ramanand ?
- Published on 06 May 16

a. Wife
b. Sister
c. Grand-daughter
d. Daughter
e. None of these

ANSWER: Grand-daughter
Only son of Reena's father-in-law Ramanand is Reena's husband. So, Raman is Reena's husband and Anjali & Piyu are his daughter's, Thus, Piyu is Grand-daughter of Ramanand.


  • Maya kumari    -Posted on 17 Jul 16
    Partially i understood I have problem in understanding of this type of qurry

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