Manipulators are used to format the data display in CPP

Q.   ________ are used to format the data display in CPP.
- Published on 17 Jul 15

a. Iterators
b. Punctuators
c. Manipulators
d. Allocators

ANSWER: Manipulators


  • Rahul Chavan   -Posted on 07 Jan 17
    When the inline function is called whole code of the inline function gets inserted or substituted at the point of inline function call. This substitution is performed by the C++ compiler at compile time.
  • Nihal   -Posted on 13 Oct 15
    Manipulators are used to format the data display in CPP. These are special function that are used to control output formatting. To use these manipulator functions in a user program, the header file name must be included. Example of Manipulators are endl, hex, dec, oct, setbase, setw, setfill etc

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