Materials require cooling to set them to shape - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  The plastics which soften when heat is applied with or without pressure, but requires cooling to set them to shape are called as
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. thermosofting materials
b. thermosetting materials
c. thermoplastic materials
d. thermostatting materials

ANSWER: thermoplastic materials


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 30 Oct 15
    - Plastics are most commonly classified into two categories.

    1. Thermoplastic
    2. Thermosetting

    - The plastics which soften when heat is applied with or without pressure, but requires cooling to set them to shape are called as thermoplastic materials.

    - In the case, when thermoplastics are not heated above their decomposition temperature, then these can be heated and cooled any number of times.

    - Thermoplastic materials are easy for moulding and shaping.

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