Maximum permissible deflection as per I.S. code

Q.  According to I.S. code in actual design, maximum permissible deflection is limited to _______
- Published on 21 Sep 15

a. (span / 200)
b. (span / 325)
c. (span / 525)
d. none of the above

ANSWER: (span / 325)


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 24 Nov 15
    - According to I.S. code in actual design, maximum permissible deflection is limited to (span / 325)

    - The deflection of beam depends upon its cross-section and bending moment.

    - The beam is designed based on stiffness criteria when the beam is strong enough to resist deflection.

    - The beam is designed based on strength criteria when the beam resists shear force and bending moment.

    - To avoid breaking of beam within permissible limits, the beam should be stiff.

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