‘Mega Watt To Giga Watt - Making The Sun Brighter, Even At Night’ - theme of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy

Q.  The theme of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy in the republic day parade will be
- Published on 25 Jan 16

a. Mega Watt To Giga Watt – Sustainable Power
b. Mega Watt To Giga Watt – Land of Thousand Suns
c. Mega Watt - Thousand Suns in India
d. Mega Watt To Giga Watt – Making The Sun Brighter, Even At Night

ANSWER: Mega Watt To Giga Watt – Making The Sun Brighter, Even At Night
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy will be showcasing its various activities and initiatives for the first time in Republic Day Parade. The Theme of display is “Mega Watt To Giga Watt – Making The Sun Brighter, Even At Night”. The tableau highlights its ambitious project of renewable energy capacity target of 175 GW to be achieved by the year 2022. All systems on the tableau are being run by the energy produced through the solar panels and energy stored in a device called Eco grid. The new and renewable energy sources have been accepted universally as the foremost choice for being clean, non-polluting and inexhaustible sources of energy. Being environment-friendly, they preserve nature, promote greenery, health, happiness and prosperity for the mankind. India has announced a very ambitious renewable energy capacity target of 175 GW by 2022. We already have an impressing cumulative existing installed capacity of approximately 38 GW of solar, wind, small hydro and bio-energy. The vision 2022 of achieving the installed capacity of 175 GW, aims to transform India through rapid strides in the renewable energy sector, job creation and skill development. To meet these targets, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is spearheading research and technology development in new areas such as ocean, tidal energy, hydrogen, etc.

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