Microsoft to collaborate with Andhra Pradesh for e-governance

Q.  Andhra Pradesh is seeking collaboration with which company for initiatives in e-governance and cybersecurity?
- Published on 20 Jan 17

a. Google
b. Microsoft
c. Intel
d. Apple

ANSWER: Microsoft
  • Microsoft has offered to collaborate with Andhra Pradesh in the areas of e-governance and cyber security.
  • Microsoft suggested that Andhra Pradesh should nurture hybrid cloud technology and that it will be a great leap in technology for India and Andhra Pradesh in particular.
  • Microsoft has recently acquired LinkedIn and it is working closely with the Singapore government.
  • Skill profile of the population, professionals etc. are also being digitized and the same may be replicated in Andhra Pradesh.
  • The technology provided by the Microsoft would be utilised, among others to, check school dropouts, improve agricultural productivity and providing better citizen services.
  • It will seek to improve the use of Information and Communications Technology, drive digital inclusion, etc.
  • According to the MoU, Microsoft India will provide technical knowledge to the A.P. government and support in building three proof-of-concept (PoC) solutions by applying Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Advanced Visualization method in the fields of education, agriculture and eCitizen services.
  • Continuing its commitment to support the government’s initiatives for Cloud adoption and improve citizen services, Microsoft India will continue to engage and train the State government’s key IT executives on Microsoft technologies such as Cloud, Mobility and appropriate Microsoft Technology stack.
  • The company will also deliver an exclusive workshop to the government’s key administrative officers on improving productivity by using Microsoft technologies.

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