MOSFET - Breakdown prevention by reverse-biased gate

Q.  Which type of breakdown can be prevented by adopting a reverse-biased  gate protecting diode on input side of MOSFET?
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. Avalanche breakdown
b. Punch through breakdown
c. Snapback breakdown
d. Static Charge Breakdown

ANSWER: Static Charge Breakdown


  • Nishant Singh    -Posted on 25 Apr 17
    Suggest me the books for Electronics & communication branch so that i can also understand the concepts of different subjects.
  • Satyawati   -Posted on 05 Oct 15
    Due to high input impedance of MOSFET, there is an accumulation of very small static charge on the gate. This results in an excessive increase in the breakdown voltage. This breakdown voltage gives rise to the phenomenon of 'Static charge breakdown'.

    In order to avoid the static charge breakdown, it is essential to prevent the aggregation of charge on the gate capacitance. Hence, this is possible with an assistance of a gate protecting diode, which is generally reverse-biased & included on an input side of MOSFET.

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