MoU between Ministry of Railways, Enterprise and Innovation

Q.  MoU has been signed between which country’s ministry of enterprise and innovation and India?
- Published on 17 Feb 16

a. Sweden
b. UK
c. US
d. Russia

ANSWER: Sweden
MoU was signed on 15th February 2016 between Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation of Sweden on Technical Cooperation within the rail sector. Following areas of cooperation were identified through the understanding-
  • Benchmark Railways policy development, regulations, organization and specific characteristics for each country.
  • Exchange of knowledge, technical expertise, innovation, technology, sustainable solutions and research.
  • Other cooperation projects agreed between the participants, such as, tilting coaches/trains, capacity allocation (time tabling) and optimisation of maintenance and improved freight/combination traffic.
  • Training and continuing education program in reliability and maintenance of Rail transport system for Railway engineers and managers.

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