Movement of cutting tool to produce flat surface on lathe machine- Basic Mechanical Engineering

Q.  A flat surface can be produced by a lathe machine, if the cutting tool moves _____
- Published on 01 Sep 15

a. parallel to the axis of rotation of workpiece
b. perpendicular to the axis of rotation of workpiece
c. at an angle of 450
d. none of the above

ANSWER: perpendicular to the axis of rotation of workpiece


  • Bipin   -Posted on 27 Aug 19
    Nice ,but explanation is not available for many questions.
  • Sravanthi    -Posted on 12 Nov 15
    - Lathe machine is a metal cutting machine tool.

    - These tools are required to make components of desired shape, size and accuracy.

    - Lathe machine is used to remove undesirable material in form of chips.

    - A lathe machine basically produces two types of surfaces i.e flat and cylindrical surface.

    - Flat surface can be obtained on a lathe machine, if cutting tool moves perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Cylindrical surface can be obtained, if cutting tool moves parallel to the axis of rotation.

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