NASA radar has located areas of disturbance in NASCA Lines World Heritage Site

Q.  What is the Hummingbird in Peru’s Nasca lines World Heritage Site?
- Published on 29 Jan 16

a. Areas of cracks in the site
b. Area of disturbance in the site
c. Area of punctures in the site
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Area of disturbance in the site
Within the 10 minute overflights, an airborne NASA radar has located areas of disturbance in Nasca Lines World Heritage Site in Peru. Data can be obtained to catalogue the 1000 year old designs drawn on the ground in and around the site for the first time. This is a fresh tool for protecting fragile constructions from careless human and natural disturbances such as floods. A shape referred to as the Hummingbird is visible above the left of the scale line below a road that cis diagonally from the right edge of the image to the centre.

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