NASA to launch spacecraft to near earth asteroid known as Bennu

Q.  US space agency NASA will launch a spacecraft in September to a near earth asteroid. What is the name of that asteroid?
- Published on 27 Jul 16

a. Xennu
b. Vennu
c. Jennu
d. Bennu

US space agency NASA will launch a spacecraft in September to a near earth asteroid called Bennu to harvest a sample of surface material and return it to the earth to scan for life signs.
  • NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will measure the spectral signature of the Bennu’s mineralogical and molecular components.
  • Known as OVIRS (OSIRIS REx Visible and Infrared Spectrometer), the instrument on board measures visible and near infrared light reflected and emitted from the asteroid and split the light into its component wavelengths like a prism splitting the sunlight into a rainbow.
  • OVIRS is a key to search for organics on Bennu.
  • OVIRS will work with another OSIRIS-REx instrument- the Thermal Emission Spectrometer.
  • OVIRS maps the asteroid in visible and near infrared, OTES picks up in thermal infrared.
  • Science team will map the entire asteroid over a range of wavelengths interesting to scientists searching for organics and water.
  • In visible and infrared spectrum, materials such as minerals have unique signatures like fingerprints allowing scientists to identify various organic materials as well as carbonates, silicates and absorbed water on the asteroid’s surface.

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