National Organic Farming Research Institute in Gangtok, Sikkim

Q.  National Organic Farming Research Institute is established in
- Published on 10 Feb 16

a. Shimla
b. Chandigarh
c. Guwahati
d. Gangtok

ANSWER: Gangtok
  • National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI) is established at Gangtok, Sikkim.
  • Sikkim has recently been declared as the first organic state in the country. In view of above, Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister has given approval to execute NOFRI.
  • Institute will provide research and technological backstopping to Organic Production System in the country in general and North East Hills Region in particular.
  • The institute will undertake basic, strategic and adaptive research on efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable organic farming systems for improving productivity, resource use efficiencies and quality of produce. Besides, it will impart vocational and advanced training to stakeholders for promotion of organic farming in the country. Required financial resources, manpower and infrastructure facilities will be made available accordingly.

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