Nationwide Soil Health Card Scheme launched on 19thFebruary 2015 to assess soil health and fertility

Q.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launched a nationwide scheme on 19th Feb’15 to analyze the soil of farms in the country scientifically. Name the scheme?
- Published on 24 Feb 15

a. Soil Health Card Scheme
b. Quality Soil Scheme
c. Soil Insurance Scheme
d. None of these

ANSWER: Soil Health Card Scheme
The Soil Health Card scheme will be launched at a rally in Suratgarh town in Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan. The scheme is aimed at providing soil health cards to over 14 crore farmers in the next three years to check overuse of fertilisers in farm lands. Under the scheme, farmers will be issued a card after scientific analysis of the soil of their farms.

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