Nature of plastics - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Which of the following statements are correct for plastic?

1. Plastic is a non-metallic material that can be moulded to any shape
2. Plastic is a natural or synthetic resin
3. Plastic is of organic nature composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen

- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. only statements 1 and 2 correct, statement 3 is wrong
b. only statements 1 and 3 correct, statement 2 is wrong
c. only statements 2 and 3 correct, statement 1 is wrong
d. all of above statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct

ANSWER: all of above statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 30 Oct 15
    - Plastic is a non-metallic material as it does not carry metal properties like electric conductivity.

    - It can be moulded into any shape.

    - Plastics are natural or synthetic resins, their compounds, which can be used as films or coating.

    - Plastics are of organic nature composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.

    - Generally, all materials have the property as plasticity. It is an ability of material to deform irreversibly without breaking.

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