Nepal, China hold first military exercise

Q.  Nepal and which country held their first ever military exercise?
- Published on 17 Apr 17

a. China
b. Japan
c. Sri Lanka
d. India

Nepal and China will hold the first-ever joint military exercise from April 17 with a special focus on combating terror and disaster management.

The 10-day-long military drill that will last till April 26 is being organised by the two countries as part of their preparedness against terrorism that has posed as a serious security threat globally.

The military exercise named ‘Sagarmatha Friendship-2017’ will also focus on common interests like disaster management.

Sagarmatha is the Nepali name of Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, that is bordering between Nepal and China.

Mount Everest: Know More
  • Elevation: 8,848 metres (29,029 ft)
  • Ranked: 1s
  • Listing in Professional Mountain Climbing: Seven Summits, Eight-thousander
  • Country's high point

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