NITI Aayog confers Women Transforming India Awards 2017

Q.  NITI Aayog in partnership with MyGov and which international body announced Women Transforming India Awards 2017?
- Published on 30 Aug 17

a. United Nations
b. World Health Organisation
c. Food and Agricultural Organisation
d. International Women's Association

ANSWER: United Nations
NITI Aayog confers Women Transforming India Awards 2017Celebrating the outstanding achievements of women in India, NITI Aayog, in partnership with MyGov and the United Nations, announces winners of the Women Transforming India Awards, 2017.

The awards ceremony recognizes the exceptional work of 12 women in critical areas such as preventing violence against women; bridging the gender gap in education; providing healthcare.

Additionally the awards recognize building livelihoods and enterprises for women; and promoting inclusion for persons with disabilities.

The awardees were selected after a rigorous process by an eminent jury comprising P.T. Usha, track and field Olympian; Pooja Thakur, Wing Commander, Indian Air Force; Nirupama Rao, Former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador, Arvind Panagariya, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog; Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog and Yuri Afanasiev, UN Resident Coordinator.

Launched on International Women’s Day on 8 March, the contest aimed to gather lesser-own stories of women leading change.

It was hosted on and ran till 1 June and was supported by an extensive outreach campaign to promote equal opportunity for women.

Top 6 Contestants

Laxmi Agarwal: Attacked in 2005 in broad daylight at the age of 15, Laxmi Aggarwal is today a champion of violence against women.

She has filed public interest litigations in India’s highest court to restrict the sale of acid.

Safeena Husain: The founder and executive director of Educate Girls, a non- profit organization working for girls’ education, Safeena Husain has worked to bring education to some of India’s most backward districts.

Kamal Kumbhar: Broke free from the shackles of poverty and a suffocating marriage to create a micro-enterprise network, enabling women like herself to realise their dreams of a brighter tomorrow.

Subasini Mistry: After losing her husband at a young age, Subasini Mistry saved for two decades to build a hospital for the needy.

Arunima Sinha: Is the first female amputee to scale the highest mountain in the world.

Jamuna Tudu: Along with her band of women activists, Jamuna Tudu has conserved 50 hectares of forest land around her village in Jharkhand, taking on encroachers with little more than bows and arrows and courage.

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