NMEP 2016 draft version released

Q.  Ministry of Mines has finalised the draft NMEP. What does NMEP stand for?
- Published on 18 Feb 16

a. National Mines Exploration Policy
b. National Minerals Exploration Policy
c. National Mines Excavation Policy
d. National Minerals Excavation Policy

ANSWER: National Minerals Exploration Policy
Union Minister of Steel & Mines Mr. N. Singh Tomar released a report on identifying 100 mineral exploration blocks at the 55th Central Geological Programming Board (CGPB) meeting of Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines at A.P. Shinde Symposium Hall, Indian Council for Agricultural Research, NASC Complex, Pusa in New Delhi today. NMEP or Draft National Mineral Exploration Policy has outlined a host of measures for increasing mineral exploration in the country such as increasing private investment.

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