Noxeno: Nasal foreign body removal device

Q.  Government has launched a nasal foreign body removal device developed by start-up InnAccel Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore called ______
- Published on 05 Dec 17

a. Noxeno
b. Nasaleno
c. Eleno
d. Nozeno

ANSWER: Noxeno
Noxeno: Nasal foreign body removal deviceGovernment has launched Noxeno, a nasal foreign body removal device developed by start-up InnAccel Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore.

It was developed by fellow trained under Biodesign programme.

Noxeno is It is first dedicated tool for anterior nasal foreign body (NFB) removal that allows doctors in any setting to quickly and safely remove objects that people (mostly children aged 2 to 10 years) put into their noses.

The summit was organised by Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the Bio Design Programme.

It was attended by leaders of government organisations, academia, medical device industry, start-ups, hospitals, design, business and engineering institutes from Australia, Finland, Canada, India, Germany, Japan, Singapore, UK and USA.

Bio Design Programme: Know More
  • Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology is implementing Bio Design Programme to develop innovative and affordable medical devices to cater to clinical needs of country.
  • It aims to train next generation of medical technology innovators in country.
  • It is implemented by DBT at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) and IIT Delhi in collaboration with international partners.
  • DBT has authorised Biotech Consortium India Limited for management of its intellectual property and other techno- legal activities.

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