Numerical - Calculate net cash flow from financing activities

Q.  For year 2013 Equity Share Capital is Rs 3,00,000 Preference Share Capital is 1,00,000 10% debentures is 2,00,000 and Share premium is 30,000. For year 2014 Equity Share Capital is Rs 4,00,000 Preference Share Capital is 60,000 10% debentures is 1,00,000 and Share premium is 40,000. Also given, Dividend paid on shares Rs 15,000 and Interest paid on debentures Rs 20,000.  Determine net cash flow from financing activities.
- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. Cash inflow of Rs 65,000
b. Cash outflow of Rs 65,000
c. Cash inflow of Rs 56,000
d. Cash outflow of Rs 56,000

ANSWER: Cash outflow of Rs 65,000

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