Numerical - Force transmitted to foundation, given - mass, stiffness & force

Q.  A vibrating machine of 100 kg is mounted on a rubber pad which has stiffness of 500 N/m. Determine force transmitted to the foundation if the unbalanced force 500 N acts on it. The frequency ratio (ω/ωn) is 1.5 and ξ = 0.5   
- Published on 11 Sep 15

a. 461.62 N
b. 400.23 N
c. 450 N
d. Insufficient data

ANSWER: 461.62 N


  • Om Wade   -Posted on 06 Nov 20
    M= 100kg
    K =500 N/m
    Fo=500m ,W/Wn=1.5(r)
    €=Ft/Fo ,Ft=€×Fo
    = v(1+{2×0.5×1.5})^2/v(1-1.5^2)^2+{2×0.5×1.5})^2
    = 461.62 N

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