Numerical on curvilinear motion

Q.  A particle moves along a path y = x2 – 6x + 200. If vx = 6 m/s , what is the value of vy at x = 30?
- Published on 18 Sep 15

a. 354 m/s
b. 300 m/s
c. 324 m/s
d. None of the above

ANSWER: 324 m/s


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 15 Dec 15
    Given: y = x2 – 6x + 200 is the path of moving particle, vx = 6 m/s


    y = x2 – 6x + 200 ---- (differentiate this equation)

    vy = 2x vx – 6 vx

    = 2 (30) (6) – 6 (6)

    = 324 m/s

    Value of vy at x = 30 is 324 m/s

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