Odisha government, BvLF sign MoUs for better lives for children

Q.  BvLF or Bernard van Leer Foundation has signed 2 MoUs with which state government to improve opportunities for young children in that state?
- Published on 07 Mar 16

a. Gujarat
b. Rajasthan
c. Odisha
d. Kerala

ANSWER: Odisha
Odisha government and international grant making organisation Bernard van Leer Foundation have signed 2 MoUs which have the states objective of making life better for children aged 1-8 years with socio-economic disadvantages. One MoU has stated that BvLF will invest 1.5million euros and work alongside Ministry of WCD for 2016-2019 to better practices in mother tongue based early childhood education in over 6600 anganwadi enters. This caters to 2,50,000 children in 12 tribal districts of Odisha. Future efforts will be on to encourage replication for an additional 1.1 million tribal children under the age of six and across the state to non tribal children as well. Second MoU involves urban mandate with focus on children friendly city design and planning.

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