Online Consumer Mediation Centre at Bengaluru

Q.  Online Consumer Mediation Centre has been started in
- Published on 26 Dec 16

a. Bengaluru
b. Noida
c. Mumbai
d. Chennai

ANSWER: Bengaluru
Online Consumer Mediation Centre (OCMC) has been started at National Law School India University, Bengaluru.

Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution welcomed the online consumer mediation initiative of the Department with the National Law School, Bengaluru and advised that before starting of the mediation it should be ensured that mutual consent of the consumer and the company are ensured and the proposed nominal fee should be charged on both the parties and not just the consumer.

The intention of the Government is to bring forward, shortly, a broad-based Mediation system to promote mediation as a viable, effective and efficient alternative to court proceedings, thereby reducing legal costs and speeding up the resolution of disputes.

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