Oracle Indexes and Partitioned Tables - Oracle (MCQ) questions and answers for Q. 2928

Q.  Which of the following condition is true to create an index in your own schema?
- Published on 29 Jul 15

a. The table or cluster to be indexed is in another schema
b. You don’t have INDEX privilege on the table to be indexed
c. You have CREATE ANY INDEX system privilege
d. None of the above

ANSWER: You have CREATE ANY INDEX system privilege


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 29 Sep 15
    - To create an index in your own schema, one of the following conditions must be true:
    1. The table or cluster to be indexed must be in your own schema.
    2. You must have the INDEX object privilege on the table to be indexed.
    3. You must have the CREATE ANY INDEX system privilege.

    - To create an index in another schema, you must have the CREATE ANY INDEX system privilege.

    - Also, the owner of the schema to contain the index must have either the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege or space quota on the tablespaces to contain the index or index partitions.

    - To create a domain index in your own schema, in addition to the prerequisites for creating a conventional index, you must also have the EXECUTE object privilege on the indextype.

    - If you are creating a domain index in another user's schema, then the index owner also must have the EXECUTE object privilege on the indextype and its underlying implementation type.

    - Before creating a domain index, you should first define the indextype.

    - To create a function-based index, in addition to the prerequisites for creating a conventional index, if the index is based on user-defined functions, then those functions must be marked DETERMINISTIC.

    - Also, you must have the EXECUTE object privilege on any user-defined function(s) used in the function-based index if those functions are owned by another user.

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