Paramagnetic materials - exhibit magnetism only in presence of electric field - Material Science

Q.  Which type of materials exhibit magnetism only in presence of an electric field?
- Published on 05 Aug 15

a. Diamagnetic materials
b. Paramagnetic materials
c. Ferromagnetic materials
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Paramagnetic materials


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 07 Oct 15
    Paramagnetic materials exhibit magnetism only in the presence of an electric field. These materials have unpaired electrons. Generally they are considered non-magnetic in absence of electric field. The relative permeability of paramagnetic materials is slightly less than or greater than one, so the flux density within them is as same as in vacuum.

    Diamagnetic materials exhibit magnetism only if external magnetic field is present. Bismuth, silver etc are the types of diamagnetic materials. They have very weak form of magnetism.

    Ferromagnetic materials require a magnetic field to exhibit magnetism. They maintain magnetic properties even after magnetic field is removed because they possess permanent magnetic poles.

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