Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority introduces new mobile app

Q.  Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority introduces new feature for NPS subscribers called ________.
- Published on 18 Jul 16

a. NPS by NSDL e-Gov
b. NDS by NSFL e-Gov
c. NPS by NSGL e-Gov
d. None of the above

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority introduced new features for the benefits of National Pension System subscribers including a mobile app “NPS by NSDL e-Gov.”
  • Subscribers can raise a request for transaction statement for a particular financial year.
  • Subscribers can also view their NPS account as well as latest details of scheme wise units along with the latest NAV and total value of the schemes, details of the five contributions credited and change contact details or modify password and set security question through Mobile App.
  • Subscribers can now update or modify their address on their own using Aadhaar based authentication.

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