Permutations and combinations - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 29278

Q.  A locker in bank has 3 digit lock. Mahesh forgot his password and was trying all possible combinations. He took 6 seconds for each try. The problem was that each digit can be from 0 to 9. How much time will be needed to by Mahesh to try all the combinations?
- Published on 11 Apr 17

a. 90 minutes
b. 120 minutes
c. 60 minutes
d. 100 minutes

ANSWER: 100 minutes
permutation and combination


  • omkar bhor    -Posted on 12 Jul 24
    if we select 0 at 1st postion from 0 to 9 digits then how the number will be 3 digit? according to me it should be 9*10*10 = 900 combinations are there so 900*6 =5400 sec =90 min will required .
    tell me i am correct or not?

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