PMKVY 2.0 is from 2016-2021; benefit 10 million youth

Q.  PMKVY was for 2015-2016. PMKVY 2.0 is from
- Published on 18 Jul 16

a. 2016-2020
b. 2016-2018
c. 2016-2017
d. 2016-2021

ANSWER: 2016-2020
  • Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (2016 – 2020) is a modified and an improved version of “PMKVY 2015 – 2016”.
  • The objective of this Scheme is to encourage and promote Skill Development for the youth throughout the country by aligning itself with the “Common Norms” guidelines. The scheme also needs to be aligned to complement all other Missions of the Government like Make in India, Digital India, Swachh Bharat, and Smart Cities. Specifically, the Scheme aims to:
  • Enable and mobilize a large number youth to take up industry designed quality skill training, become employable and earn their livelihood.
  • Increase productivity of the existing workforce, and align skill training with the actual needs of the country.
  • Encourage standardization of the Certification process and put in place the foundation for creating a registry of skills.
  • Benefit 10 million youth over the period of 4 years (2016 – 2020).

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