Pomegranates are good for health, serve as anti ageing trigger: Scientists

Q.  Pomegranates have a precursor to which molecule which acts as an anti-ageing trigger?
- Published on 13 Jul 16

a. Urolithin A
b. Uromithin A
c. Urobithin A
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Urolithin A
Pomegranates are said to be good for health and now scientists have discovered that it has a substance transformed by microbes in the gut into an effective anti-ageing trigger.
  • Pomegranates have a precursor to the molecule called urolithin A.
  • While this precursor on reaching the digestive system, has an ability to transform into urolithin A which prevents the breakdown of mitochondria in the cells.
  • It is the only known molecule that can relaunch the mitochondrial clean up process known as mitophagy.

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