Predictable risks is staff turnover, poor communication with customer

Q.  Staff turnover, poor communication with the customer are risks that are extrapolated from past experience are called _____ .
- Published on 21 Jul 15

a. Business risks
b. Predictable risks
c. Project risks
d. Technical risks

ANSWER: Predictable risks


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 28 Oct 15
    Kinds of Risks

    Project risks
    - This type of risk threaten the project plan.
    - They identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel (staffing and organization), resource, customer, and requirements problems and their impact on a software project

    Technical risks
    - This type of risk threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be produced
    1. They identify potential design, implementation, interface, verification, and maintenance problems.
    2. The risk factors are specification ambiguity, technical uncertainty, technical obsolescence, and "leading-edge" technology.
    3. Technical risks occur because the problem is harder to solve than we thought it would be.

    Business risks
    - This type of risk threaten the viability of the software to be built.
    - Following are the top five business risks :
    1. Building an excellent product or system that no one really wants (market risk)
    2. Building a product that no longer fits into the overall business strategy for the company (strategic risk)
    3. Building a product that the sales force doesn't understand how to sell
    4. Losing the support of senior management due to a change in focus or a change in people (management risk)
    5. Losing budgetary or personnel commitment (budget risks).

    Known risks
    - They are uncovered after evaluating the following:
    1. Project plan
    2. Business and technical environment in which the project is being developed
    3. Other reliable information sources (e.g., unrealistic delivery date, lack of documented requirements or software scope, poor development environment).

    Predictable risks
    - These risks are extrapolated from past project experience
    1. Staff turnover
    2. Poor communication with the customer
    3. Dilution of staff effort as ongoing maintenance requests are serviced

    Unpredictable risks
    - These risks occur, but it is difficult to identify them in advance.

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