Pressure welding - Metal joined is never brought to a molten stage - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  The metal joined is never brought to a molten stage in
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. pressure welding
b. fusion welding
c. thermit welding
d. none of the above

ANSWER: pressure welding


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 02 Nov 15
    - The welding processes are classified as follows:

    1. Pressure welding

    2. Fusion welding

    3. Modern or Miscellaneous welding

    - The metal joined is never brought to a molten stage in pressure welding

    - The metal is heated to a welding temperature which is below the melting point of that metal and joining is brought by application of pressure.

    - Forge welding and resistance electric welding are the example of pressure welding.

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