Process providing good surface finish & better dimensional accuracy - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Good surface finish and better dimensional accuracy can be achieved in
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. cold working process
b. hot working process
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

ANSWER: cold working process


  • Zola best   -Posted on 09 Jun 24
    In hot working process, like casting the material heated and changed to molten metal so when it solidify there are defects which affect surface finish.
  • venkatesh   -Posted on 01 Apr 16
    in cold working process residual stress are induced in it then how can increase fatigue stress
  • Pankaj   -Posted on 29 Oct 15
    - The plastic deformation of metal which is carried out at temperature below the recrystallisation temperature is called as cold working process.

    - Material handling is easy in cold working process.

    - In cold working process, strength and fatigue properties of metal are improved but ductility of metal is reduced.

    - As recrystallisation does not takes place in cold working processes, Good surface finish and better dimensional accuracy can be achieved

    - The cold process is highly suitable for mass production and automation due to its low working temperature.

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