Prof. Ramamurty wins TWAS prize in engineering category

Q.  Who has won the prestigious TWAS prize in the engineering category for 2015 on December 8th?
- Published on 09 Dec 15

a. Professor A Ramamurthy
b. Professor C Ramamurty
c. Professor J Ramamurty
d. Professor U Ramamurty

ANSWER: Professor U Ramamurty
Professor U Ramamurty of the Indian Institute of Science has been honoured with the the 2015 Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) prize, which carries a cash prize of USD 15,000, in the engineering category. Former presidents of TWAS have included prominent Indian academicians such as Prof. C. N. R Rao. TWAS prize is conferred by UNESCO. Other Indians who won the award include Jagadish Ladha in International Rice Research Institute and TIFR’s Sandip Trivedi.

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