Programtype is correct parameter used for CREATEPROGRAM - Oracle DBA

Q.  Which is the correct parameter used for CREATE_PROGRAM?
- Published on 29 Jul 15

a. program_type
b. schedule_name
c. start_date
d. program_name

ANSWER: program_type


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 25 Aug 15
    -The Create_Program procedure creates a program.

    -The parameter used for it is program_type.

    -program_type - This attribute specifies the type of program you are creating.
    -If it is not specified then you will get an error. There are three supported values for program_type:
    1. plsql_block: This specifies that the program is a PL/SQL block. Job or program arguments are not supported when the job or program type is plsql_block.
    2. stored_procedure: This specifies that the program is a stored procedure. It can be a PL/SQL, Java, or a C routine outside the database. PL/SQL functions or procedures with INOUT or OUT arguments are not supported as job_action when the job or program type is stored_procedure.
    3. executable: This specifies that the program is external to the database. External programs implies anything that can be executed from the operating system's command line. AnyData arguments are not supported with job or program type executable

    -program_name - This attribute specifies a unique identifier for the program.
    -The name has to be unique in the SQL namespace. If no name is specified, then an error occurs.

    -schedule_name - The name of the schedule, window, or window group associated with this job. It is a parameter to create_job.

    -start_date - This attribute specifies the first date on which this job is scheduled to start.
    It is a parameter to create_job.

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