Properties of lubricants

Q.  Which of the following is not a property of lubricants?
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. High specific heat
b. High flash point
c. Low pour point
d. Low oxidation stability

ANSWER: Low oxidation stability


  • bose   -Posted on 28 Jul 19
    libricants need low pour point or high pour point
  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 05 Oct 15
    • Friction between two mating surfaces is reduced by using a lubricant. They reduce heat generated during friction. Lubricants contain 90 % of base oil and 10 % additives.

    • Lubricant's have high specific heat, high flash point and high pour point.

    • They also have high oxidation stability. Chemical reaction taking place between lubricating oil and oxygen present is known as oxidation stability.

    • This oxidation stability depends upon quality and type of base oil and additive used. Synthetics like polyalphaolefins have good oxidation stability than mineral oils.

    • The number of hours required to increase viscosity or increase in acid number are the methods to evaluate oxidation stability.

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